Rack maintenance

Inspection and Maintenance services are also available and they are carried out by AR Racking at the clients’ facilities; this constitutes an additional guarantee for the correct performance and optimal development of professional activities.
Preventive maintenance of the structures is essential to avoid damage, excessive use or misuse of the equipment that may lead to an accident. Regular reviews and inspections ensure the correct use of facilities and the correction of any defects that may arise for a number of reasons, and also ensure compliance with the safety conditions required by regulations.
Although there are many causes, there are two main reasons why it is advisable to carry out regular maintenance of steel structures: to avoid material fatigue derived from the application of stresses higher than those recommended, and to prevent backlash and accidental impact that may cause deformations. Regular maintenance will give the structure more durability and efficiency.
Work process

AR Racking Technical team
Inspection and maintenance services at clients facilities
Preventive maintenance of the structures is essential to avoid damage
Ensure the correct use of facilities and the correction of any defectsYou might also be interested in:

AR Racking offers a complete customized consultancy service for storage projects.

Technical review
Regular technical reviews are a fundamental requirement for the correct performance of your storage solution.

We evaluate and test requirements and regulations in each country and region to proceed with the implementation of the project in compliance with the corresponding provisions.