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Extension with Shuttle system to store more than 18,000 pallets for Logística de Menaje S.L. (Video)


Logística de Menaje S.L., company belonging to the Grupo Marcos Larrañaga y CIA which operates in the household items sector for hospitality and households with the Lacor and Ibili brands, chose AR Racking to carry out the extension of its logistics centre located in Alegría-Dulantzi (Álava).

Logística de Menaje S.L. culminates with this extension of its warehouse, completed at the end of 2021, a continuous innovation process to adapt to the needs of its customers to offer a premium quality service in terms of design, production, logistics and administration. The storage systems specialist AR Racking already completed in 2020 an initial optimisation phase of 3,540 m2 of the warehouse.

In this second phase of the project, the extension covered a total of 1,445 m2 of the intermediate stock warehouse, installing the AR Shuttle semi-automated storage system. This solution with motorised pallet shuttles has enabled maximum exploitation of both the floor and height space to generate a storage capacity for 4961 pallets, on top of the 12,960 obtained in the installation of 2020. In total, almost 18,000 positions for storing household products. 

Compact racking equipped with AR Shuttle make up a high-density storage system, enabling great use of the space and reduction of the work aisles of the forklift. In fact, it is the motorised pallet shuttles that transport the unit loads autonomously inside the racking structure.


Complex and custom design in 4 weeks

The project had to consider complex development limitations that necessitated a detailed floor and height design, which thanks to the perfect execution of AR Racking’s civil engineering and engineering work ensured its success.

Of note too were the tight deadlines managed to get the warehouse operational as quickly as possible, executing the installation of this second extension phase in just 4 weeks. The initial phase was developed in 7 weeks.

In the words of Menaje S.L. Logistics Director, Yolanda Ocio, “having the facilities up and running in record time allowed us to continue with our daily business operations adapting to the storage needs that arose”. “This intermediate stock area installed with the AR Shuttle system acts as a buffer from our shipment area and allows us to store a high number of references in a very reduced space” Yolanda pointed out.

From AR Racking, Xabier Rica, Project Manager and Sales Representative for the Northern Region stressed that “the joint work with Menaje S.L.’s logistics managers was key to developing the project according to its specific storage needs, and fully optimising the available space through the construction of the warehouse and design of the storage system”.